Okay. It has been forever since I have been able to blog. Let me update.
Triniti: She still likes school, somewhat. Compared to kindergarten, there is not enough recess. It is work, work, work. That is what she says. She tells me math is boring. Yet someone asked her what her favorite subject in school was and she said "well recess, but that's not a subject, so I guess math!". She wears a uniform to school everyday, I thought it would be easy. Yet somehow Triniti still makes is hard! She is getting a little bit of a sassy mouth. And asking if she will have to wear a bra when she is 8? Oh please, I am not ready for "the talk"!!!!
Everett: Everett is Everett. I see him becoming smarter. Knowing his shapes, colors, numbers. Asking a lot of questions. His behavior is the only thing that hasn't grown. I finally, finally, got him an appointment to see the behavioral pediatrician. Not until April though. Lets just sum it up this way, a lot of screaming, a lot of tantrums, a big messy room and a lot of tears, from both of us.
Dayton: Oh boy. This one. He does not dig his own toys. Only wants to play with his brother or sisters' toys. And he absolutely loves my silverware and spatulas. Also loves the pots and pans. Actually anything you don't want him to play with he does! He climbs a lot. He is very strong, I am talking superhuman strength. And his is very clever. He also has a temper. His new thing is if he is in trouble or mad he screams, SCREAMS, high pitch screams at the top of his lungs. My ears feel like they are bleeding when he does that. He also likes to only wear his diaper. He also gets mad when I put on my apron. Don't have a clue why. But he does have the greatest sense of humor. And he is starting to say many words. Usually two together.
Whomever said life wasn't easy, really knew what they were talking about. But then easy would be boring and I don't like boring.
A day in the life of a normal crazy family of 5
My daily battles as a Mom, Wife, and me.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The things kids say. Everett"I want to watch Little Bill again!" Mommy " OK, their is another show coming on next", Everett " No! Back Forwards it!" Which he means, rewind it!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
So Everett had his first day of preschool on Tuesday. Me and Trevor drove him up there about 12pm. On our way up my mom calls me and warns me that there has been a stabbing and they have called for many officers to be at the school. Just as she informs me of this (she has a police scanner) there goes the fire engine. As we arrive at the school, we see the police with the student who had been stabbed. We were able to drive around to the teachers parking lot, where Everett is dropped off. I walked him to his new class. He responded very well. The teacher was really excited to see him. This was Trinitis preschool. But they have a new, bigger room. Anyways, I talked to the teacher for a few minutes, said goodbye to Everett, whom didn't care! As I walked down the hallway, I hear running. Whizzing past me a principal and 5 police officers. Great, headed right towards where Trevor is parked. Some teacher or whomever he was stopped me at the hall and asked who I was. I proceeded in telling him I was a parent dropping off a preschooler. He said well you have to go to the office. I said my husband and baby are in the teachers parking lot. He said do you have a phone? I said I do, but they don't. But I had to go to the office. Oh great, I hope they were not going to be involved in a shootout or anything! So I go to the front of the school, hoping to see Trevor somewhere. I call my mom and ask her if she knows of anything else going on? They have a suspects name. Just then here comes the kid in handcuffs. Whew!! But still no Trevor. Finally, he comes out of the driveway. He then tells me how when he was driving out a cop stopped him. Note: Trevor and cops don't mix well. History. Anyways, Trevor gets nervous and doesn't know what to say. The cop asked him who he was and what he was doing. The cop had his hand on the mirror and told Trevor that he had to search the car. And the cop is holding his gun out! Poor Dayton I can't even imagine what he is thinking. Well, I guess you have to say it was an exciting first day of preschool.
Picture day
Triniti had picture day a couple of weeks ago. She was so excited because she wears uniforms to school every day and was looking forward to wearing a dress. She wanted her Auntie to curl her hair but we don't have a curling iron. So I braided her hair the night before her pictures. In the morning we took the braids out and put some product in it. She loved it! Here are some pics we took before school:

Everett trying to get in the pic!
The back of her hair
On Sunday was my cousins son 4 year birthday. We went to Boomers in Livermore. You only get like an hour at the party table, but otherwise its cool. My cousins bought everyone in the party wristbands so we could go do any of the activities that we wanted to do. These included pee wee golfing, go kart racing and laser tag. I took Triniti on the go kart and Trevor took Everett. They absolutely loved those! Although the first time on, when they have you slow down and stop to pull into the starting point again, um duh you stop! Well the idiot kid behind me decided to use me and Triniti as their stopping point! Trinitis' jaw hurt and my knee and head hurt me the rest of the day. But that didn't stop us from going again! We tried pee wee golfing. Dayton wanted to pick up everyones balls and Everett want to throw them. So me and Trevor took them out of the game, and let Triniti finish with gramma and her 2 uncles. After pee wee golfing we did laser tag. Which was a lot of fun! Everett did it for the most part but gave up about 3 minutes before the game was over. All in all it was a fun day and Dayton had the most fun sitting at the games driving the steering wheels. He didn't want to be anywhere else.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A long couple of weeks
Well Everett's tenure in preschool is no more. He didn't do to well. He loved going. He made a best friend. Everett just can not control his impulses and anger. He had to be removed from the program because he threw a toy and it hit a girl in her head. I was going to class with him all week. The teacher thought maybe I would be able to calm him down. I told her it would make it worse. He seemed to do OK the first day. He does not want to participate in circle time. He would run around the room, or crawl under the tables, disrupting the class. He had a hard time calming down. But he is not always hyper like this. Long story short, I am trying to get him into to see a behavior specialist, if we could ever connect on the phone. I am very stressed out. I can't tell you how many times I have cried this week. Last week on his 2ND day, he had a tantrum and scratched his teacher. The thing that I was hoping is that he was just going to be like this at home and not at school. We will get through this. Everett is so smart and so lovable, but he just doesn't seem to have impulse control. I could go on and on about the things he does. I love him and I will do all that I can to make sure he has a great future.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Poor Baby
My little baby has had a fever for 3 days now. Almost 4. I don't usually rush my children to the doctor when they have a fever. I am semi experienced now. I still worry a lot though. Really his only symptom is the fever. And not doing much but laying and staying by me where ever I am. He tries to eat and tries to play, but whines a lot. I can't tell you how many times I have taken my kids to the Doctors and been told he/she has a virus, if I had a dollar for every virus my kids have had I would be rich! But I would rather be safe than sorry. Dayton's fever is still pretty high so I made him an appointment for this afternoon. I will update, but I am sure it is just a virus. He actually had a fever a month ago. Right after his Fever broke, guess what I discovered? 2 molars! I actually discovered a new tooth yesterday, but the "experts" will tell you a fever is not associated with getting teeth. Um? ***UPDATE*** He has hand, foot and mouth virus. But of course it will just go away on it's own. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
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