Sunday, January 25, 2009

You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy!

Okay. It has been forever since I have been able to blog. Let me update.
Triniti: She still likes school, somewhat. Compared to kindergarten, there is not enough recess. It is work, work, work. That is what she says. She tells me math is boring. Yet someone asked her what her favorite subject in school was and she said "well recess, but that's not a subject, so I guess math!". She wears a uniform to school everyday, I thought it would be easy. Yet somehow Triniti still makes is hard! She is getting a little bit of a sassy mouth. And asking if she will have to wear a bra when she is 8? Oh please, I am not ready for "the talk"!!!!

Everett: Everett is Everett. I see him becoming smarter. Knowing his shapes, colors, numbers. Asking a lot of questions. His behavior is the only thing that hasn't grown. I finally, finally, got him an appointment to see the behavioral pediatrician. Not until April though. Lets just sum it up this way, a lot of screaming, a lot of tantrums, a big messy room and a lot of tears, from both of us.

Dayton: Oh boy. This one. He does not dig his own toys. Only wants to play with his brother or sisters' toys. And he absolutely loves my silverware and spatulas. Also loves the pots and pans. Actually anything you don't want him to play with he does! He climbs a lot. He is very strong, I am talking superhuman strength. And his is very clever. He also has a temper. His new thing is if he is in trouble or mad he screams, SCREAMS, high pitch screams at the top of his lungs. My ears feel like they are bleeding when he does that. He also likes to only wear his diaper. He also gets mad when I put on my apron. Don't have a clue why. But he does have the greatest sense of humor. And he is starting to say many words. Usually two together.

Whomever said life wasn't easy, really knew what they were talking about. But then easy would be boring and I don't like boring.

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