Monday, June 30, 2008

Anybody else out there?

With a strong willed child? Oh my goodness, my stress levels have been off the charts these last couple of weeks. I don't know what has gotten into Everett, but I am starting to get concerned. He has always been a handful. We have always had take more time with him. But lately he is getting super angry and throws things. He has been in total destruction mode. The other day he got mad because we had no snacks, so he went into their bedroom and started throwing things, and picked up a video tape and it went right into Trinitis' eye. It scared the crap out of me because it was turning purple and things always seem worse to me. I called my mom screaming and scared Triniti. But she was OK, it did leave a nasty mark on the corner and side of her eye. I have banned everyone from yelling at him. I have noticed he is copying lately. He has been saying Hate a lot and I just could not figure out where or whom he had heard this. Until.....Spongebob was on today. There was Spongebob and Patrick telling each other they hate each other! I said that's it no Spongebob anymore! If his behavior continues downward, I will be getting gray hair earlier and possibly high blood pressure!

Daytons birthday

We took Dayton to Newpark mall for his first pair of tennis shoes. The first thing he did when the lady put them on was try to shake them off. Then he was OK, and took him several times to get his balance right. We then went to target to buy him some gifts. I left him with gramma and went to toys r us. I had to run to target again to buy him some wrapping paper. Before we picked up Trevor, we stopped at party city. Got Trevor, fed everyone dinner, then ran to Lucky for the cake. When I had bought the cake I thought it was a little pricey, but figured it was just another thing that went up. But I realized when I bought the cake, I bought the big one. 1/2 sheet! Oh my goodness, way too big! Anyways, family came over, opened presents and ate cake. Dayton loved his toys. He especially loved the toy vacuum we got him. I am now waiting on his aunt to email the pictures she took. I really hate not having a camera!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our saturday trip

Trevor had a saturday off. Unbelievable I know. So we decided we wanted to go to Half Moon Bay. Triniti has been bugging us to go to the beach for so long. We haven't gone in awhile because of Dayton being a baby. So anyways we decided to go yesterday. It had been 100 degrees the day before and was looking to be a scorcher yesterday also. We all seemed to have cabin fever! We made the terrible mistake of, well first of all going to the beach on a hot, hot saturday, but also in the middle of the afternoon. Oh well. So a 30 minute drive took 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. We were not able to go to our usual state beach, because the park rangers were turning cars away. So we just kept driving up HWY 1 towards Santa Cruz. At this point the kids are really restless, being that they can see the beach and ocean and we are not stopping. We finally arrive at one that has 1 parking space. It was not packed. It took about 10 minutes to walk from the car to a spot on the beach. Now our beach, and we say "our beach" because I have been going to the same beach in Half moon bay for 20 years. It is just a few steps from the car to the beach. So this new beach was quite a trek. Triniti and Everett were super excited. Dayton was not. He absolutely freaked out when I stood him on the sand. And it was extremely windy on the beach. So windy in fact that sand was flying in our eyes and mouth. We had bought a tent and that is where me and Dayton spent most of our time. He would try to walk out of the tent and than would step on the sand and freeze. So needless to say we only stayed a few hours. All in all it was an OK trip. I think we will wait and go to the beach in August when Dayton is a better walker and maybe he won't be so scared! I did take pictures, but old school pictures. I have to take them and get them developed! Oh my!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Of course.....

I broke our camera. The most expensive thing we owned besides our car, and technically we don't own that yet! Anyways it always seems to be me that breaks our stuff. We decided to take the kids for a walk by the bay on Tuesday. It is called the SF Bay wildlife refuge, right before you get on the dumbarton bridge. You have to walk up this incredibly steep, huge hill to get to the visitors center. On our way down, Everett flew down the hill in his target sandals, so I told Trevor he needed to go after his son, because I could just imagine him tripping and rolling down the hill. Then Triniti went ahead of me too. So I decided to stop in the middle of the hill and take pictures of them at the bottom. I got my pictures, and as I attempted to turn of the camera, it slipped right out of my fingers, and BAM! it fell right on the lens and then turned and crashed on the battery cover. I thought it was going to roll down the hill. But it didn't the fall was enough to break it. It won't even turn on to get the pictures I took. Boo Hoo!!!! So now I will attempt to use my brothers camera, because Dayton is walking like there is no tomorrow, and it is so cute, like a little drunk baby!

Monday, June 16, 2008

We've got a walker!

Dayton, on his own, has decided he would like to start walking. Oh yeah baby. He actually took several steps at his grammas' house when we were not there. And he is taking at least 3 steps and balancing himself here at home. I am just so glad I will not have to carry a 25lb baby around that often anymore. And it does make me sad at the same time he is turning into a toddler and not a little baby guy anymore! I will post pics later, I left my camera in the van. And the van is at Costco, great place to keep a nice camera!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kindergarten Graduation

Well lets just say this year has gone by super fast. I was already sad at the beginning of the year that Triniti was going into kinder, now I am sad she is done. They don't have graduations for kinder anymore, at least in the great (cheap on education) state of California. So the teacher put together a pot luck and had the kids read something they wrote. They also sang two songs.

So now we get ready for first grade. She will begin at a brand new school. Actually they are still building it and will be ready in August. Gone are the days of spelling in front of Triniti, thinking she doesn't know what we are spelling! I wonder what kind of homework they give the 1st graders, because the kinders had a lot.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One year ago.......

One year ago today, I was 9 months preggo and miserable. Triniti had just graduated from preschool. I couldn't believe she was going to kindergarten! Now I still weigh as if I was still 9 months preggo, and still am carrying around a very heavy baby, 25 lbs and counting to be exact. I am preparing for Triniti to end her kindergarten class tomorrow. And am preparing to have Everett be in preschool, 5 days a week next year. Super excited! I just can not believe how fast a year goes by. A lot has been accomplished in this one year. Everett was potty trained, Triniti knows how to spell and read, and Dayton Crunkz was born.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh my goodness!

I have a baby who is getting in two molars at once! Ugh!!!! Whine, whine, whine. Crab, crab, crab. And he only wants his mommy. Sometimes he is OK with daddy, but he always wants mommy love! Last night I handed him to Trevor and they were standing next to the door, and when I gave him to Trevor, he did the limp noodle thing and flung his head back and hit the hard door. I was only going to put his socks on! I can't even walk out of his perimeter and he screams. Please molars come now!