Thursday, September 18, 2008

A long couple of weeks

Well Everett's tenure in preschool is no more. He didn't do to well. He loved going. He made a best friend. Everett just can not control his impulses and anger. He had to be removed from the program because he threw a toy and it hit a girl in her head. I was going to class with him all week. The teacher thought maybe I would be able to calm him down. I told her it would make it worse. He seemed to do OK the first day. He does not want to participate in circle time. He would run around the room, or crawl under the tables, disrupting the class. He had a hard time calming down. But he is not always hyper like this. Long story short, I am trying to get him into to see a behavior specialist, if we could ever connect on the phone. I am very stressed out. I can't tell you how many times I have cried this week. Last week on his 2ND day, he had a tantrum and scratched his teacher. The thing that I was hoping is that he was just going to be like this at home and not at school. We will get through this. Everett is so smart and so lovable, but he just doesn't seem to have impulse control. I could go on and on about the things he does. I love him and I will do all that I can to make sure he has a great future.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Poor Baby

My little baby has had a fever for 3 days now. Almost 4. I don't usually rush my children to the doctor when they have a fever. I am semi experienced now. I still worry a lot though. Really his only symptom is the fever. And not doing much but laying and staying by me where ever I am. He tries to eat and tries to play, but whines a lot. I can't tell you how many times I have taken my kids to the Doctors and been told he/she has a virus, if I had a dollar for every virus my kids have had I would be rich! But I would rather be safe than sorry. Dayton's fever is still pretty high so I made him an appointment for this afternoon. I will update, but I am sure it is just a virus. He actually had a fever a month ago. Right after his Fever broke, guess what I discovered? 2 molars! I actually discovered a new tooth yesterday, but the "experts" will tell you a fever is not associated with getting teeth. Um? ***UPDATE*** He has hand, foot and mouth virus. But of course it will just go away on it's own. Hopefully sooner rather than later!


So Everett had his orientation on Tuesday. I went with him and filled out paperwork, while he met a couple of students and the teachers. Everything went very well at first. He sat in circle time and listened to his Teacher talk about class and the rules. Then they walked us to the cafeteria and showed them where they would be eating lunch. The kids all have to walk in a straight line and hold their hands behind their back. All went well with Everett. I was feeling good. When we got back from that, the Teacher showed them their playground. They weren't able to play yet and Everett even seemed OK with that. She let them play in the toy section in class and told them they could play for a few minutes and then they would have circle time. So after about 7 min the Teacher rang the bell. It was time to clean up the toys. Here comes the fun! Everett did not want to stop playing. When his teachers tried to get him to clean up and go to circle time, he refused. Refused very loudly. He screamed at his teachers "no, I don't want to" and "I don't want to talk right now!" I finally went over there and tried to talk with him and he ended up scratching my arm and yelling at me. Finally the Teachers assistant got him to walk over to the circle, the Teacher was done singing. And there came the loud cry! So I had to explain to the Teacher this was his behavior lately, screaming and having crying fits. She told me what they would do with him. I told her how I try to handle him at home. He tried to go back to the toys and his teacher said the play area was closed, there was another class coming in. She was on her knees, kindly talking to him, I was waiting for him to hit or spit in her face. Which he didn't, thank goodness! I ended up having to carry him out. I am glad in a way they got to see him at his worst. But I was so embarrassed. And I don't know what to expect. He starts going Monday, full days. I have talked with him about screaming at his teachers. I have also gone over the rules of the class, so hopefully, seeing that he wants to go to school really bad, he will do OK. Cross your fingers. Did I mention how stressed out I am? Trevor asked "Can you do homeschooling?" I said "Possibly!"