Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ummm Ummmm, chicken

I made oven fried chicken tonight, courtesy of Monica. Thanks for all your recipes! We all loved it. Even triniti and everett. I can't even believe they liked it. I have made fried chicken before and they wouldn't touch it. I asked triniti why she ate this one. She said "this is sweet". They looked like cavemen gnawing away at the drumstick. I am so glad their taste buds are changing!

Monday, May 26, 2008

It's my money...

There is a commercial that comes on all the time. Or at least every time my kids are watching something. The basis of the commercial is if you have been awarded money and are still waiting for it a lawyers office can help. A bunch of people are screaming on the phone and out their windows "It's my money and I want it now!" My kids absolutely love this commercial. They go around screaming "It's my money and I want it now". The other day at Costco while waiting for me to get Everett some medicine, Trevor had the kids in the car. They were playing around in the car and every time a car went by they would go to the window and scream out "It's my money and I want it now". My kids are such funny dorks!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mothers Day 2008

We decided we would go to Great America for mothers day. We got the stimulus rebate so we used that. This was the kids very first time here. They were so excited, especially Triniti, whom counted down the days for a month! Triniti was upset that she wasn't able to go on the adult rides. Me and Trevor love roller coasters, so she got that gene from us. I go on anything, Trevor can not do spinning rides. Everett was game for most all the kid rides. There was a couple of adult rides Triniti was tall enough to go on. One adult ride I took her on with me was one of my favorites. Two of you sit in the seat and it spins around, sorry can't remember the name. I thought she might get sick from this one. But not, she loved it, and after the ride when we were exiting she said "That was Awesome!". Poor Everett cried the whole time we were on that ride because he didn't understand he wasn't tall enough. And Dayton did really well, I think he slept about 1 hour the whole day, but he enjoyed himself. So next year we are going to buy season passes.

It's been awhile

I can't believe it has taken me this long to blog! I have a mothers day blog I am going to put up as soon as I upload my pics from that exciting day. This last couple of weeks have been crazy. Dayton is now officially a climber! I never had a climber. Help???!!! He has been climbing the couch to get to the mouse and computer desk. He is absolutely obsessed with doing this and getting to the TV. I have actually lost weight and inches from having to pick him up and remove him from these situations. I also last week found out I have a bladder infection. So I have been on antibiotics for almost a week. Fun. I actually called my doctor for something else and said oh it burns a little when I pee. But not every time. Anyways.......tmi. Then this heat wave, oh my goodness. Thank goodness we bought a new bed, otherwise my sleep would have been really miserable. I can handle a little misery, but not full blown misery!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Everetts humor

Yesterday morning, Dayton as usual woke up at 6 am. Usually Everett wakes up at 6:30am. On this day, for some odd reason, he woke up at 7:30am. So when he came out of his bedroom into the frontroom, I said to him "oh my goodness, I thought you were going to sleep until lunchtime!". He gave me the meanest look (a Kodak moment!), and replied "NOOOOOO, it's not lunchtime!". I laughed and said "I was just joking, can't you take a joke?" To which he replied with that loving scowl "NOOOOO, your a joke!". That made my day.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thursday trip to the park

These 3 children had cabin fever. Dayton would not stop crabbing, so much I thought maybe he didn't feel good. So me and Trevor decided we would go to the park. We were going to walk, but it was windy, and decided we would drive. This was Daytons second trip to the park since he could crawl. I take him to this park across the street from our public library. It has recycled material, kind of like rubber for the ground so he can get down and crawl no problem. As long as you don't mind a little dirty hands and knees. Anyways, Dayton never once cried or whined at the park. Triniti and Everett love the park so we all had a good time. Everett only lets daddy push him on the swing.

Dayton loved the slide! He was actually trying to climb up it. It was so funny.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My true blue boy

There is no winning with a 4 year old! Oh my goodness! No matter what I say he does not like it. If he asks for a drink and I say in a few minutes, he says no mommy in a few seconds. Or if he wants to go to grammas house and I tell him in awhile, he will say no mommy in a few minutes, or soon. He has no capability of what waiting means. He won't wait. He doesn't understand what patience is either. I did not realize a 4 year old would be so demanding, inpatient, loud, dirty, funny, sweet, annoying, irresistible and etc, all in a matter of 5 minutes. I have a interesting ride of ahead of me with Everett! So here are some of Everetts likes:
Thomas the trains, all trains, dirt, mud, water, tanbark, boogers, slobber, lounging in his underwear in the house, lounging in his underwear outside, farts, dumping toys in one big pile, riding his bike, running and beating his sister, spongebob squarepants, screaming, making silly faces, poking, fixing his trains with daddy's' screwdrivers, and telling everybody he loves them.