Monday, May 19, 2008

Mothers Day 2008

We decided we would go to Great America for mothers day. We got the stimulus rebate so we used that. This was the kids very first time here. They were so excited, especially Triniti, whom counted down the days for a month! Triniti was upset that she wasn't able to go on the adult rides. Me and Trevor love roller coasters, so she got that gene from us. I go on anything, Trevor can not do spinning rides. Everett was game for most all the kid rides. There was a couple of adult rides Triniti was tall enough to go on. One adult ride I took her on with me was one of my favorites. Two of you sit in the seat and it spins around, sorry can't remember the name. I thought she might get sick from this one. But not, she loved it, and after the ride when we were exiting she said "That was Awesome!". Poor Everett cried the whole time we were on that ride because he didn't understand he wasn't tall enough. And Dayton did really well, I think he slept about 1 hour the whole day, but he enjoyed himself. So next year we are going to buy season passes.

1 comment:

Monica said...

It looks like you guys had a great time!! I know what ride you are talking about that you rode with Triniti. They keep changing the name of it. Alyssa liked that Smurf roller coaster if it's still there. One day we should take the kids to Bonfonte Gardens in Gilroy. It's all kids rides. Alyssa went on everything! They have a water part of the park too... it's fun!