Thursday, June 19, 2008

Of course.....

I broke our camera. The most expensive thing we owned besides our car, and technically we don't own that yet! Anyways it always seems to be me that breaks our stuff. We decided to take the kids for a walk by the bay on Tuesday. It is called the SF Bay wildlife refuge, right before you get on the dumbarton bridge. You have to walk up this incredibly steep, huge hill to get to the visitors center. On our way down, Everett flew down the hill in his target sandals, so I told Trevor he needed to go after his son, because I could just imagine him tripping and rolling down the hill. Then Triniti went ahead of me too. So I decided to stop in the middle of the hill and take pictures of them at the bottom. I got my pictures, and as I attempted to turn of the camera, it slipped right out of my fingers, and BAM! it fell right on the lens and then turned and crashed on the battery cover. I thought it was going to roll down the hill. But it didn't the fall was enough to break it. It won't even turn on to get the pictures I took. Boo Hoo!!!! So now I will attempt to use my brothers camera, because Dayton is walking like there is no tomorrow, and it is so cute, like a little drunk baby!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Ohhh noooo!!! I want to see Dayton walking!!! That sucks =o( You can though get digital cameras for pretty cheap though or try craigslist.
I have been to that place by the Dunbarton bridge before. It's pretty cool! You know all the spots. I am just too lazy and go to the same old places.