Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One year ago.......

One year ago today, I was 9 months preggo and miserable. Triniti had just graduated from preschool. I couldn't believe she was going to kindergarten! Now I still weigh as if I was still 9 months preggo, and still am carrying around a very heavy baby, 25 lbs and counting to be exact. I am preparing for Triniti to end her kindergarten class tomorrow. And am preparing to have Everett be in preschool, 5 days a week next year. Super excited! I just can not believe how fast a year goes by. A lot has been accomplished in this one year. Everett was potty trained, Triniti knows how to spell and read, and Dayton Crunkz was born.


snowprincess said...

damn girl you have a big boy, Amber was only about 18lbs at his age lol.

Monica said...

Wow this year passed by super fast. I remember like it was yesterday when you were pregnant and miserable!!