Thursday, September 4, 2008

Poor Baby

My little baby has had a fever for 3 days now. Almost 4. I don't usually rush my children to the doctor when they have a fever. I am semi experienced now. I still worry a lot though. Really his only symptom is the fever. And not doing much but laying and staying by me where ever I am. He tries to eat and tries to play, but whines a lot. I can't tell you how many times I have taken my kids to the Doctors and been told he/she has a virus, if I had a dollar for every virus my kids have had I would be rich! But I would rather be safe than sorry. Dayton's fever is still pretty high so I made him an appointment for this afternoon. I will update, but I am sure it is just a virus. He actually had a fever a month ago. Right after his Fever broke, guess what I discovered? 2 molars! I actually discovered a new tooth yesterday, but the "experts" will tell you a fever is not associated with getting teeth. Um? ***UPDATE*** He has hand, foot and mouth virus. But of course it will just go away on it's own. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Poor Dayton!! I had HF&M virus last year!! It HURT! I got it from Pump It Up. The doctor thought it was weird because usually only kids get it. I hope he feels better soon!