Friday, February 29, 2008

Ahh Heck!

Okay people from the bay area like to say "Hella", or if you like to talk nice you say "Hecka", don't ask, I have no idea where it orginated. I do know I started saying those words in junior high. Well I really try (hecka) hard not to say it, but it is so natural, it just flows right our of my mouth.

So Everett was starving yesterday. His usual at 10am. "I hungry, I want lunch", "my stomach hurts", etc...... He does this every day. Then I heard this new word. I asked him "what did you say?" Everett says "I heck hungry!" Oh nooooooooo.......this word can not be in his vocabulary! But I couldn't help but laugh. This word has no meaning, except to people who live in the bay area, but it's not even explainable. Oh boy!


snowprincess said...

HAHAHA, Amber has started saying hecka too. I guess it has passed on to the next generation lol. Oh well it could be worse they could be saying something really bad

Monica said...

Yessss Alyssa too!! She says hecka. My sister says hecka too. I have been trying to break the habit because I don't want to slip up at work on the phone... I can just imagine "What? Your office is HELLA hot? Someone is on their way. LATE!!" LOL j/k but I have been saying it since I was nine!! That is a hard habit to break.