Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thursday trip to the park

These 3 children had cabin fever. Dayton would not stop crabbing, so much I thought maybe he didn't feel good. So me and Trevor decided we would go to the park. We were going to walk, but it was windy, and decided we would drive. This was Daytons second trip to the park since he could crawl. I take him to this park across the street from our public library. It has recycled material, kind of like rubber for the ground so he can get down and crawl no problem. As long as you don't mind a little dirty hands and knees. Anyways, Dayton never once cried or whined at the park. Triniti and Everett love the park so we all had a good time. Everett only lets daddy push him on the swing.

Dayton loved the slide! He was actually trying to climb up it. It was so funny.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I love the pic of Dayton climing up the slide!! He is getting so big!!!
I wonder if Everett remembers that I was going to build him that tree house :/