Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I was tagged

A. Attached or Single?Attached

B. Best Friend? Trevor

C. Cake or pie? Cake - Chocolate Cake

D. Day of choice? Tuesday

E. Essential item? Water

F. Favorite color? Purple

G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears

H. Home town? Hayward

I. Favorite indulgence? Ice Cream

J. January or July? July

K. Kids? 3

L. Life isn’t complete without? My husband and kids

M. Marriage date? December 2, 2000

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 3 brothers and 2 sisters

O. Oranges or Apples? Apples

P. Phobias? Getting into a really bad car accident

Q. Quotes? "Dream as is you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"

R. Reasons to smile? The love I get from my husband and kids

S. Season of choice? Summer!

T. Tag 5 people: I don't have anyone to tag

U. Unknown fact about me? I had my tongue pierced once, a long time ago...!!

V. Vegetable? Asparagus

W. Worst habit? Procrastinating

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds

Y. Your favorite food? Mexican

Z. Zodiac sign? Leo

Z. Which zoo animal is your favorite? Elephants

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jury Duty drama!

So I was sent a summons for Jury Duty. I actually received 2. One for Oakland and one for Hayward. So I call and let them know. They or me can't figure out why I received two. They only difference on the summons was the date. The date for Oakland was July 23 and the date for Hayward was July 24. So the lady asked me which court I preferred, duh, Hayward, I live in walking distance of the courthouse. Anyways, she told to disregard the Oakland one, and call in for the Hayward one. So today was the day, actually you call the number after 5 pm and listen to your reporting instructions. Well mine said the info wasn't available over the phone, I had to talk with somebody. Of course the office was closed. Well you can get online and determine your jury status also. When I got on mine it said I was disqualified. I didn't get it. I finally talk with someone this morning. She tells me my service was for yesterday, the 23rd. OK. So I proceed in telling her the story. She says "I believe you, because nobody could make up a story like this." She then asked me if I could bring the summons to the courthouse so she could get a copy. Then she heard Dayton in the background and asked if I had daycare for him. I said well I can ask his gramma. I'm thinking I might go to jail or something for trying to avoid jury duty! (that's how my warped mind works!) So I get to the courthouse, she makes a copy and tells me they found the problem. There was a computer glitch and some other people were affected also. And that my juror group was called in today but to the Oakland courthouse. Oakland had more cases than they had jurors. She also said she put me as excused. I said thanks and left. My mom and brother both tell me "ooh your lucky" But I have wanted to be on a jury since I turned 18 and became eligible! I want to sit in on a case. I often believe I would be a good attorney. I love to argue and I love to be right. I also love to research my truth and proving just how right I am. Just ask my family!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Good Times

On Tuesday we decided to go to the mall out in Tracy. Yes, I know, very far, but we needed to get out of this area for a minute! I have been to every store in the area looking for Triniti, some sandals. I waited too long, they already have fall stuff out. I wonder who came up with the idea to sell clothes before the season begins? I would love to slap the crap out of them. Anyways, we go around the mall and again no shoes. I will say this, Triniti is picky. When we couldn't find any shoes, we passed by Claires. She asked to get her ears pierced. This girl has been bugging me every day for her ears pierced! So we said yes. Then she became scared. At first she was nervous and decided no, I told her that was fine, we could come another time. Then, changed her mind again. So we go in and I pay for the earrings. She won't sit down on the piercing chair, so I sit down and tell her she can go on my lap. Still scared. At this point she starts really crying. Long story short, after 3 more times of changing her mind, I was going to get a refund. But again she said OK I will do it. Well that didn't happen. They started to go near her and she started to kick and cover her ears. I told her to get down. Once they open up the earrings you can not have a refund! So I ended up getting my ears pierced. I now have two holes on each ear! The best part of this story though is when we left. Triniti had the tantrum of all tantrums. I have never seen her like this before. She refused to go and wanted her ears pierced, laughable really! We found the nearest exit because everyone was starting to stare. As she's hanging on to the stroller, trying to prevent me from pushing the stroller, she grabs a hold of the bench, and that moves along with us. Somehow we made it out of the mall and she is still screaming in the highest pitch ever "I want my earssssssssssss pierceddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!! Good times.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I could remember in 7th grade becoming obsessed with my clothes and hair. They had to be perfect in my eyes! I would cry and scream and yell before leaving for school because I just would get so frustrated! I never felt that way in elementary school. Anyways, Triniti already is starting her clothes and shoe fits! She announces to me daily she has nothing to wear, everything is old and doesn't match! Even though her drawers are packed full. She asks me to help pick out her outfit and when I do, she says "No, I don't like that". So I tell her then don't ask for my help! I have threatened to throw away her clothes. I have also told her that I will buy her nothing new and that she will have to wear the clothes she has until they are faded and filled with holes. She has been so picky for the last couple of years with shoes, sock and clothes! OMG, I didn't think it would start at 6 years old, I figured I had at least 5 years before I had to deal with this. But she loves to be pretty! And she can do her own hair, really good too.

Family jewels

Dayton has not handled this heat very well. First he has really thick, semi long hair. Almost a mullet. But I don't want to cut it because it's beautiful! So he holds a lot of heat in his head. So I allow him to go without his diaper so he can air out his family jewels, which he loves! I swear boys and their obsessions with their family jewels come early! It was so cute, one night Dayton was standing on the couch and I took his diaper off to get ready for bath time. And he leaned over and just was checking out his package! I wish I had a camera, it was the funniest thing ever! I tell ya this boy has got the silliest faces and personality!