Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I was tagged

A. Attached or Single?Attached

B. Best Friend? Trevor

C. Cake or pie? Cake - Chocolate Cake

D. Day of choice? Tuesday

E. Essential item? Water

F. Favorite color? Purple

G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears

H. Home town? Hayward

I. Favorite indulgence? Ice Cream

J. January or July? July

K. Kids? 3

L. Life isn’t complete without? My husband and kids

M. Marriage date? December 2, 2000

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 3 brothers and 2 sisters

O. Oranges or Apples? Apples

P. Phobias? Getting into a really bad car accident

Q. Quotes? "Dream as is you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"

R. Reasons to smile? The love I get from my husband and kids

S. Season of choice? Summer!

T. Tag 5 people: I don't have anyone to tag

U. Unknown fact about me? I had my tongue pierced once, a long time ago...!!

V. Vegetable? Asparagus

W. Worst habit? Procrastinating

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds

Y. Your favorite food? Mexican

Z. Zodiac sign? Leo

Z. Which zoo animal is your favorite? Elephants

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