Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So I have not blogged lately. Every time I even go near the computer, old Dayton makes a mad dash to it. He loves the wires and plugs. So I maybe get like 5 minutes and I have to utilize my computer time well. Which is finances and recipes. And while we are on the subject here are some of Dayton's favorite things (currently):
loves paper, crumbs, Thomas the train, mama, tiggers (grammas cat), dogs (grammas dogs), cords, computer, being under the table, playing in the cupboards, snuggling in brothers blankets, biting, food, sissy, brother, being held, and last but not least he loves having tantrums.
Which I did not think occurred at 10 months old, but they do. For instance, when he is edging near the computer, I will give him a look, and say "not for Dayton", he will whip his head backwards and scream. And then proceed to bang his head and hands on the couch. And if we have to grab him from under the computer, because many times he does succeed, he turns his little 25 pound body into a limp noodle. I love it, so funny it makes us laugh!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daytons love

He is in love with the vacuum! Actually all three of my kids loved the vacuum. They loved when I vacuumed and loved it when it wasn't on. I just happened to be able to take these pics. Dayton was amused with the vacuum for about 1/2 hour. He is also starting to climb so it was perfect. Mind you this vacuum was standing up at first, he knocked it down so he could inspect if further! And everytime we vacuum, Dayton will go after it, so we have to make sure he is being held or in the playpen.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A little bit like dominoes

I notice around my house that when one thing happens, everything else falls right along with it. Like dominoes. Dayton woke up in a bad mood. Than Everett woke up in a bad mood. I offered to make him scrambled eggs, his reply, "Yucky! They make my poop stuck". Don't ask me where he got this analogy from. So I make scrambled eggs anyways for Trevor and Triniti. Than of course Everett wants some. Trevor has toast, so Triniti wants toast, then when her toast is done, than Everett wants toast. All the while I have got Dayton hanging at my feet, crying. Then Dayton grabs Everett's toys off the table and Everett proceeds to cry like he is in convulsions. Triniti finds this funny and knocks the trains closer to Dayton and they fall to the ground. Dayton is ecstatic and laughing, and Everett goes over and rescues his trains. Dayton than starts having convulsions. Everett then gets in trouble for something and screams "I'm not eating anymore, I don't like you anymore" and runs screaming into his room. I then have to get Triniti dressed for school because it's Wednesday and she goes early. Dayton wants me and cries, cries, cries. I have to pee, then Triniti, has to pee, then Everett has to pee, then Dayton just absolutely loves being in the bathroom. I think all this chaos ended when we walked out the door!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My new gadget

Not exactly new, but used. My brother bought a Zune six months ago and gave his Ipod to us. I finally got around to using it. I can say I am addicted! I have been able to find songs from my youth, HAHA! I used to say I can't belive my brothers spend so much time on ITunes, but I now know why. I plan to put this IPod to good use, I will use it when I work out on the elliptical. Another gadget that has been laying around this house for about 2 years!

An incredible week

Okay well I did not do to much exciting this week. Dayton went for his 9 month check up, which actually he is 9 1/2 months now. He is 23 lbs and can't remember what inches. He is 75% weight and 95% height. Yes I am breeding football millionaires. Have you read how much these guys make? Everett and Dayton eat like football players, so I can learn to like to football! I had to deal with a bunch of drama at my husbands work. I just get emotionally involved in things I probably should not. I decided to spring clean on the hottest days of the year. I also have dealt with a baby and his new cold. But the absolute most exciting thing I did or saw this weekend, was......about 10 cops cars swooped up around our neighborhood looking for something or someone. One cop asked if we had seen a lady run by us with a cell phone? They asked because about 50 of us were posted on the corner waiting to find out what happened. Last time this happened, they served a warrant on a murder suspect, a house I walk by every day. And about 4 hours earlier somebody ran down a bicyclist, on a purpose accident, don't ask. That was also right down the street. Wow what a great neighborhood I live in. The worst? They voted out Michael Johns before Kristy Lee Cook? I can say I did not vote her.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Ok so we have our garbage pick up scheduled for tomorrow. We got 1 free one a year. Two things happen around my area when someone has a garbage pick up. 1. Everybody and their moms stop to see if you have anything good that they can take, and they usally do. 2. All your neighbors and John Doe from down the street ask if they can put some of their garbage in your garbage pile. I don't care if people see our garbage as treasure, but please be neat about it. Second, you can not put you garbage with mine, because I will get charged extra for extra garbage. Thank you and have a great day!

Of course

Dayton is an early riser. Usally he gets up between 5am and 6am, usally 5:30am. And every morning it is just so hard to get up. I am so tired. Everett usally gets up about 6:30-7am. Then Triniti is always the last. She has always been my late sleeper. Well of course this morning I wake up in bed and I can see the sun is out. That means Dayton slept in. I don't have a clock by me so I go on daylight. Well sure enough theres Everett at the door wanting to get up. It was 6:30. And of course, Dayton sleeps in until 7am. Of Course!!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am just so livid right now. My husbands job sucks. It is not even the job so much, it's the way the department is ran. He has worked here for 8 years this month. He is a hard worker. They don't ever give him the same days off. And many weeks he has to work 6 days. His schedule is never the same, so we never can plan anything ahead of time. I make plans hoping he is off, or hoping he doesn't work at that time. I hear tonite that he won't get tomorrow off either. He was scheduled to have it off, but somebodys' aunt died, and not he won't be off until saturday. That means he will have worked 10 days without having a day off. Ugh!!!!! This just goes to prove that education is important otherwise you get stuck in a job, not career, a blue collar job, that you hate. But you have to do it to provide for your family. I love my husband for so many reasons, but I love him for going to this crappy job each day and not complaining. I know I am more upset about this than he is.