Friday, August 29, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, we let Triniti stay up and watch the movie "Click". I was actually on the computer. Her and Trevor were watching it. Well first you should know, I pretty much cry at anything. Commercials, movies, videos, songs, most everything. I am a very, very, empathic person. Whenever we watch a movie and there is a part where someone may cry, everybody turns to look at me to see if I am crying. Yeah, pathetic! Anyways, so the part in the movie where Adam Sandler is dying and his family leaves the hospital and he chases them out of the hospital in the rain and he is calling his sons name. Well mind you I was at the computer, I was tearing up and not even watching the thing, I tell you......! All of a sudden Triniti says " I can't hold my cry in anymore" And she just bawls. I laughed because it reminded me of myself. I had to tell here though that it was OK, I was not laughing at her. It's also OK to cry when something touches you. I informed her I was crying and I was at the computer for goodness sakes. But we also had to explain a little about the movie, and some more assurance that it was OK to cry.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1st day of 1st grade!

So this morning was Triniti's first day of school. She was so excited last night, she took a long time to fall asleep! But she got up this morning bright and early. Trevor had the day off. So he walked with us and so did Gramma. We left a little early not knowing what to anticipate, since the school just opened. The kids had to wait in the patio area by their class number. Triniti found her friends and had no problem leaving us. Dayton even thought he was cool, dragging around sissy's backpack. And on she went. Since it was Wednesday, they only go to school until 12:35pm. I actually got to meet her teacher, whom is very nice. I also got to see her cool new classroom. Everett also got to sneak a peek into his classroom. Their classrooms are right across from each other. Triniti said 1st grade is fun (wait until she finds out how much work she will have!). Her teacher is nice and funny. Now she can not wait until tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The night before school.....

We just walked up to our school to see what class Triniti will be in. She found out 1 of her best friends is in the same class with her, so she is super excited. Looks like a few others she had kindergarten with are also going to be in her class. I tried talking to one of the mothers from last year, but she doesn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish. I think I need to learn. There are like 95 % Spanish speaking at Trinitis' school. Also I went to parent orientation for Everetts' preschool. He actually does not start until the 8th and he is pretty upset about that. His and Trinitis' rooms are right next to each other. We are really excited this year because they just built a $35 Million dollar school! I got a small preview the other day, and it is so beautiful. I can't believe it is in our town. Well on to prepare for tomorrow!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


School starts soon and they all needed haircuts! Triniti has had her haircut several times. This was Everett's second attempt at a real haircut. He did really well. One time saying "I'm not crying, this doesn't hurt!" And Dayton, well this was his very first haircut! I was really back and forth and getting his hair cut. But in the end I realized his hair was getting too long, and he was beginning to look like a little girl!
Triniti's pretty hair!

Everett playing while getting a haircut

He was impressed!

Before, my baby!

After, my little handsome guy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our new neighborhood park and school!

The new school opens in two weeks, and we are so excited, we have watched this being built from the ground up. And the new skate/play park has just opened. Yesterday morning we went to see if the water was going. They were still trying to get the levels right or something. They said it would probably be on in a couple of hours and tomorrow for sure (today now!) So we go there last night. The kids got their swimsuits on and I slathered them in sun lotion. About 4 pm we drove by the park and saw kids in the water and the water going. When we get there, is the water turned on? NO!!!!! Everett's heart was broke and our window almost! Needless to say we are super excited about this park, we can walk there in less than 10 minutes when the streets are opened. Plus this is the nicest park in our whole city now!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Funny things kids say

At dinner last night I received a phone call. Which I hate when people call at dinnertime! Anyways, it was somebody wanting to ask some questions about some research. I politely said I don't have the time I am feeding a baby right now. So when I hung up Triniti asked "who was that?" I said " Oh just someone wanting to ask me some questions, I don't want to talk with them." Triniti replies "Why don't you want to talk to them? Are you guilty?" I said "ha ha ha, no I am not guilty!" Triniti then said "Those are the hardest questions!" I said " Oh, when you are being asked about something you did and you are guilty?" "Yeah."

Friday, August 1, 2008

Most of the animals were laying around. None of them were playing. I guess they were having a lazy day.
This penquin stood there with his mouth open for as long as we were there, 15 minutes.

These two couldn't make up their mind about going into the water.

Anteaters are strange looking animals.

Kangaroos laying around.

Zebra laying around.

Ape and his backside, laying around!

The baby Giraffes, whose Mama just passed away.

The peacocks, owned the zoo.

Mr. Lion

A Lion, laying around!

For my birthday we went to the San Francisco Zoo. Trevor and me had not been to the Zoo in at least ten years. I went there many times as a kid, but I didn't even realize the Zoo is right next to the Pacific Ocean! We had a great time. Everett though, knowing there was a train, thought all the animals were stupid. Once we rode the train, he than loved the animals. Dayton enjoyed the tigers, penguins, and fences. You would of thought Dayton was a monkey with all the climbing he does! There was so many animals to see, that we will be going there again, beacause we didn't get to see all of them.
Waiting for the Train ride.

Everett and his love.

Triniti Posing

Dayton trying to get into a stangers bag!

Us at the entrance.

Holding some animals.

Triniti and the cotton candy that took her tooth!

Making a wish!

Dayton watching the penguins.

Sitting on a Grizzly Bear!