Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1st day of 1st grade!

So this morning was Triniti's first day of school. She was so excited last night, she took a long time to fall asleep! But she got up this morning bright and early. Trevor had the day off. So he walked with us and so did Gramma. We left a little early not knowing what to anticipate, since the school just opened. The kids had to wait in the patio area by their class number. Triniti found her friends and had no problem leaving us. Dayton even thought he was cool, dragging around sissy's backpack. And on she went. Since it was Wednesday, they only go to school until 12:35pm. I actually got to meet her teacher, whom is very nice. I also got to see her cool new classroom. Everett also got to sneak a peek into his classroom. Their classrooms are right across from each other. Triniti said 1st grade is fun (wait until she finds out how much work she will have!). Her teacher is nice and funny. Now she can not wait until tomorrow!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Everett looks so different with his new hair cut! He looks a lot older.
Triniti is so cute with her uniform! I wish Alyssa's school did uniform! Are they wearing uniforms just at Triniti's school or is it for all city district elementary schools?
The school looks great! I didn't think they would finish in time. Bohannon Middle School is a mess still. They didn't plan that one well at all.
I am glad Triniti had a great day! I think 1st grade will be fun. It's at the 3rd grade where school starts to wear off it's funness.. is fun-ness a word? Oh well it sounds good to me!