Monday, March 31, 2008

Growing fast

I just can't belive how fast Dayton is growing. I don't remember Trinti or Everett growing up this fast. Dayton is now waving "bye bye" and he loves to point to things. He also is clapping when we say "Yeah!". The next thing I know he will be walking and he won't be a baby anymore he will be a toddler. Only 3 more months of bottles and baby food. I can not wait to stop making formula. He has a very cute laugh too, he laughs exactly like this "HaHaHa". And we all think he repeats what you say to him. Even Triniti has noticed this. I understand why people decide to keep having babies, they grow so fast. But I am definitely not going there! I am done.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Newest milestones.

Well Dayton has now learned how to clap. When we say "Yeah" he claps. He claps when we sing patty patty cake. He also attempts to wave high. He puts his hand up in the air, palm open, and smiles. And his hair is getting so long he is starting to resemble a girl. Just kidding but it is pretty shaggy.

Give me a break

Chikezie? Who is voting for American Idol? Why every year American Idol has been on "America" votes out the talented people first. Chicken Little and Sanjaya? Remember how long they stayed. It is not supposed to be a popularity contest. He gave wonderful talented performances. He was creative. I really feel that Kristy Lee Cook should have went home. I can't, scratch that I can belive she stayed this week because she picked a song that appealed to peoples hearts. This is just my opinion. When Daughtry got voted out I was upset. But now it was probably the best thing for him. He was able to make an album he wanted to make, and not an American Idol album. And we all know how well that album has done.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The funniest things kids say

So Dayton has been bored with his baby food. Which I don't blame him its pretty watery and he has 9 almost 10 teeth. Anyways so I have been giving him fresh fruits and veggies. This morning I was giving him banana. Triniti walked in and said "Oh your giving him human food now". We just laughed, it was so cute.

Monday, March 24, 2008


On saturday we went to the Farmers Market. They had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. They were just little plastic eggs with smarties in them. The kids got a kick out of it. I allowed them to have one candy at the market. Well when we got home, Everett sneaked out of the house quietly and Trevor said he had an egg in his hand. I ran and got the camera. He was trying to pull the egg open but failed. So he put the egg on the ground and grabbed something and threw it at the egg. That didn't work all the way so he stomped on it. Well I snapped one picture without him knowing it and the second picture I called his name, and well the look on his face is he got caught!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter bunny

The visit to the easter bunny was the fastest and easiest holiday picture I have ever done. We went about 12:30pm hoping the bunny wasn't taking a carrot break. When we got there, nobody was in line and we got right in. All 3 kids were eager to take their picture. Even Dayton, who 1 1/2 months ago had stranger anxiety. He loved the easter bunny. He couldn't stop touching him/her and looking at the easter bunny. He was so into the easter bunny that he wouldn't concentrate on smiling. But the picture turned out cute. And it all took only about 10 minutes. Yes!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No way, already?

I have to say even though Dayton is my third child, I am not prepared for all the stages he has been breezing through. I suspect that he wants to play with his big sissy and big brother so bad (especially to go into their bedroom), that he is just so determined. He is not only starting to walk along furniture, but he has in the last week begun to stand up on the kitchen chairs and walk them across the floor. I just couldn't belive this when I first saw it. He will only be 9 months old next week. My other kids didn't walk until 11 and 12 months old. And he just does it. Nobody made him do it. I am definitely not prepared for a 9/10 month old walker! Might I say he does look the size of a 1 year old though. He also has 9 teeth, and currently teething again!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The other day myself, Everett and Dayton were sitting on the couch together. Everett touches my stomach and mind you its not that big, says "You got a baby in your stomach mama?". I laughed and said "no way". Then he said it again and said he had a baby in his stomach. Then I asked him if he wanted me to have another baby. He said yes. I said do you want another sister? He said no. I said you want another brother? He said yea I want another Dayton. I said well sorry, I don't think so. Triniti keeps letting out hints of wanting a sister. Ooohh I wish I could have a sister, I really want a sister. And if I had a dollar for everytime someone asked me if I was going to have more kids, I would be super rich. Especially after people find out I have three, they just can't believe someone would have three kids.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The name game

I catch myself lately not being able to call the person by their right name. I will call Triniti "Isabel, Jamilla, than Triniti". I will call Everett "Trevor or Dayton". And I will call Dayton "Everett or Trevor". I will call my brothers by the wrong name also. And I am usally not right until the third try. My mom used to do this with us kids because their was six of us. I used to laugh at her. I am now finding myself doing the same thing. Most of the time I will end up having to say "you or him/her". I did'nt realize this would become genetic.

Check this out

I have decided that I am done with being unhealthy. It is not going to be easy. This is not the first time I have tried to do this. But I want this time to be sucessful. I have my 3 kids I have to be an example to. I don't want them to have self esteem issues that prevents them from achieving things in life. So I am going to blog about it. My ups and downs. And I am not about just trying to get skinny, I am about being healthy and changing the way I think about food and my body. Thanks to Monica for letting me borrow her book "You on a Diet" by Dr. Oz. It is very eye opening. Definitely a book you should read.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ugh, gas prices

I just went on yahoo this morning and there was a story about gas prices. How high they are getting. Then there was a link to see where gas is the most expensive. Well wouldn't you know San Francisco area is number 1. I saw $3.57 at the gas station down the street from me the other day, I about passed out! I had so many plans for summertime. And of course they all included driving. So now I guess I have to replan. I will need to choose places that are accessible from bart.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Stacys post about amber and her friends in Kindergarten reminded me of something. On wednesdays Triniti goes to school early. On these days she has to go in the cafeteria and wait for the bell to ring and the teacher to pick them up. Well a few weeks ago, she went in, and I always make sure she gets to her table. Well one of her friends was already at the table and Triniti walked up to the table and went right up to her friend and gave her the cutest friend hug! It just melted my heart to see her that way. It is just so wierd to see your child in a different way than you do at home.

Photos by Triniti

So Triniti loves to take pics with our digital camera. You can see her Art infulence in the photo she takes. I have many more I can post but these are a few.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My little booger

Well Dayton has been pulling himself to standing position anywhere he can. This is just in the past week. So I lay him down for his nap before he is fully asleep now. I turn on his mobile. One day about 3 minutes after the mobile stopped I heard it make a little noise. I thought that thing is posessed! Well on friday, I layed him down and he cried for a few minutes, but then became quiet. Again, the mobile played on his own. I said to Trevor that thing is posessed! It did that the other day. A couple of seconds later I heard Dayton. So I quietly snuck in the bedroom, but who is standing up and playing with the mobile? Dayton! I snapped pictures too! Now I had to move his mattress down.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oh where, oh where has my memory gone?

On Wednesdays, since september, Triniti has half days. She goes to school at 8am until 12pm. So we call it her early day. Because the rest of the week she doesn't have to be in class until 9:10am.
So today at 7:20am I just realize it's wednesday. Oh my goodness, we only have 20 minutes until we need to leave. Ugh! Rush, rush, rush, as always. And this is not the 1st wednesday I have forgotten.
Then Triniti wants to take her lunch. So I make her sandwhich. I had left her lunch bag outside on the stroller since monday. I know, lazy. And I didn't put the ice pack in the freezer. Then there is this big thing with taking chocolate milk that gramma bought. Luckily gramma had a ice pack. Well once it rains, it pours. That is usually what happens. So we rush out the door just in time. Whew. Until I get home. I realize that I didn't put her sandwhich in her lunch bag. Although I did check her lunch bag before we left. Yes there was a sandwhich in there, but from monday. So I had to borrow my brothers car to bring her sandwhich to her. I could just imagine the look on her face when she saw a 2 day old sandwhich!
The only thing funnier than all of this, because this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Was the look on Trinitis' face when I had to walk into her classroom and exchange sandwhiches. The look was between emabarassment and anger.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My booboo

Today we went to breakfast. On the way home we drive by Triniti's school. I knew it should be recess time after lunch. I can always spot her right away. And everytime I have seen her at recess I just want to cry. I can't belive my little boo boo is growing up and in school. And to see her playing with friends and having fun without me it so heartbreaking. I know kids grow up. But to see her have a life away from me just makes me want to cry. I have been with her 24/7 since she was born. And now she spends 4 hours a day away from me.

When I pick her up from school I will tell her I saw her at recess. She will get this funny look on her face when I tell her I saw her jump roping and running. She will ask me how did I know she was doing that. I wish I could be a fly sometimes so I could fly around her classroom and watch her grow up without me.

Monday, March 3, 2008

La La La

I love music and I love, love, love singing. Although I can not sing well at all, or I should say sing at all. I have always tried to sing to my babies. Triniti and Everett always just looked away and didn't care for my singing. Well lo and behold, I finally got my wish. Dayton loves when I sing to him. And not lullabys but the music I listen to on Sirius Hits 1. Oh yeah. I can sing my offtune heart out and he loves it. He looks at me like I am so amazing. Score! Flippin Sweet! I think right now his favorite is when I sing "No one" by Alicia Keys.