On Wednesdays, since september, Triniti has half days. She goes to school at 8am until 12pm. So we call it her early day. Because the rest of the week she doesn't have to be in class until 9:10am.
So today at 7:20am I just realize it's wednesday. Oh my goodness, we only have 20 minutes until we need to leave. Ugh! Rush, rush, rush, as always. And this is not the 1st wednesday I have forgotten.
Then Triniti wants to take her lunch. So I make her sandwhich. I had left her lunch bag outside on the stroller since monday. I know, lazy. And I didn't put the ice pack in the freezer. Then there is this big thing with taking chocolate milk that gramma bought. Luckily gramma had a ice pack. Well once it rains, it pours. That is usually what happens. So we rush out the door just in time. Whew. Until I get home. I realize that I didn't put her sandwhich in her lunch bag. Although I did check her lunch bag before we left. Yes there was a sandwhich in there, but from monday. So I had to borrow my brothers car to bring her sandwhich to her. I could just imagine the look on her face when she saw a 2 day old sandwhich!
The only thing funnier than all of this, because this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Was the look on Trinitis' face when I had to walk into her classroom and exchange sandwhiches. The look was between emabarassment and anger.