Sunday, March 16, 2008

The name game

I catch myself lately not being able to call the person by their right name. I will call Triniti "Isabel, Jamilla, than Triniti". I will call Everett "Trevor or Dayton". And I will call Dayton "Everett or Trevor". I will call my brothers by the wrong name also. And I am usally not right until the third try. My mom used to do this with us kids because their was six of us. I used to laugh at her. I am now finding myself doing the same thing. Most of the time I will end up having to say "you or him/her". I did'nt realize this would become genetic.


Monica said...

Hee Hee... I know I would HATE when my mom would call me Delia!!! My dad calls me Melinda. But I do it too... Gabby I mean Alyssa I mean... JUST GET OVER HERE!! =o)

snowprincess said...

haha i call amber the dogs name and vice versa. It never fails when they are driving me crazy