Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A little bit like dominoes

I notice around my house that when one thing happens, everything else falls right along with it. Like dominoes. Dayton woke up in a bad mood. Than Everett woke up in a bad mood. I offered to make him scrambled eggs, his reply, "Yucky! They make my poop stuck". Don't ask me where he got this analogy from. So I make scrambled eggs anyways for Trevor and Triniti. Than of course Everett wants some. Trevor has toast, so Triniti wants toast, then when her toast is done, than Everett wants toast. All the while I have got Dayton hanging at my feet, crying. Then Dayton grabs Everett's toys off the table and Everett proceeds to cry like he is in convulsions. Triniti finds this funny and knocks the trains closer to Dayton and they fall to the ground. Dayton is ecstatic and laughing, and Everett goes over and rescues his trains. Dayton than starts having convulsions. Everett then gets in trouble for something and screams "I'm not eating anymore, I don't like you anymore" and runs screaming into his room. I then have to get Triniti dressed for school because it's Wednesday and she goes early. Dayton wants me and cries, cries, cries. I have to pee, then Triniti, has to pee, then Everett has to pee, then Dayton just absolutely loves being in the bathroom. I think all this chaos ended when we walked out the door!


snowprincess said...

WOW and I thought my mornings were bad. You definitly topped my rushed and crazy mornings.

Monica said...

Ahhh I hate chaotic mornings like that and I only have two. But your right it is like dominoes... because one kid gets crabby, then another, then I get crabby!!