Friday, August 1, 2008

Most of the animals were laying around. None of them were playing. I guess they were having a lazy day.
This penquin stood there with his mouth open for as long as we were there, 15 minutes.

These two couldn't make up their mind about going into the water.

Anteaters are strange looking animals.

Kangaroos laying around.

Zebra laying around.

Ape and his backside, laying around!

The baby Giraffes, whose Mama just passed away.

The peacocks, owned the zoo.

Mr. Lion

A Lion, laying around!


flemse said...

waaay cool pictures of lazy animals :D loooooooooooooooool

Monica said...

That is funny! I think the kangaroos are always sleeping! I heard about the giraffe's mom. That was so sad!