Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The other day myself, Everett and Dayton were sitting on the couch together. Everett touches my stomach and mind you its not that big, says "You got a baby in your stomach mama?". I laughed and said "no way". Then he said it again and said he had a baby in his stomach. Then I asked him if he wanted me to have another baby. He said yes. I said do you want another sister? He said no. I said you want another brother? He said yea I want another Dayton. I said well sorry, I don't think so. Triniti keeps letting out hints of wanting a sister. Ooohh I wish I could have a sister, I really want a sister. And if I had a dollar for everytime someone asked me if I was going to have more kids, I would be super rich. Especially after people find out I have three, they just can't believe someone would have three kids.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Hee Hee... Alyssa keeps wondering if there is a baby in my stomach too... I say no that is just fat she says NO MOM ITS FOOD! LOL! But she wants a brother too. I told her and Brian why dont we get a BOY dog!!!