Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So I have not blogged lately. Every time I even go near the computer, old Dayton makes a mad dash to it. He loves the wires and plugs. So I maybe get like 5 minutes and I have to utilize my computer time well. Which is finances and recipes. And while we are on the subject here are some of Dayton's favorite things (currently):
loves paper, crumbs, Thomas the train, mama, tiggers (grammas cat), dogs (grammas dogs), cords, computer, being under the table, playing in the cupboards, snuggling in brothers blankets, biting, food, sissy, brother, being held, and last but not least he loves having tantrums.
Which I did not think occurred at 10 months old, but they do. For instance, when he is edging near the computer, I will give him a look, and say "not for Dayton", he will whip his head backwards and scream. And then proceed to bang his head and hands on the couch. And if we have to grab him from under the computer, because many times he does succeed, he turns his little 25 pound body into a limp noodle. I love it, so funny it makes us laugh!

1 comment:

Monica said...

That is TOO funny. You weren't kidding about Dayton's tantrums!!! Poor Mommy!!