Monday, March 31, 2008

Growing fast

I just can't belive how fast Dayton is growing. I don't remember Trinti or Everett growing up this fast. Dayton is now waving "bye bye" and he loves to point to things. He also is clapping when we say "Yeah!". The next thing I know he will be walking and he won't be a baby anymore he will be a toddler. Only 3 more months of bottles and baby food. I can not wait to stop making formula. He has a very cute laugh too, he laughs exactly like this "HaHaHa". And we all think he repeats what you say to him. Even Triniti has noticed this. I understand why people decide to keep having babies, they grow so fast. But I am definitely not going there! I am done.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I love looking at pictures of Dayton... they always make me smile. He is such a big boy now!!! The big ONE is coming up on us fast now!!